My "secret" blog of all things left-handed knitting and dementia in my life. From kids to cables and medical bills to maniacal rants about knitting lists, it's all here
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Kendo Seminar at TMG 2006
Sensei speaking to the Memphis contingent William is excited watching the upper levels free fight Conrad loses his mind and threatens Don! (Harry, avert your eyes) Rogers emailing Harry on the floor of the dojo while Adam supervises
Here is the site with all the information on Lefthanded Knitting, how to knit Left-Handed and the details of the DVD. It has been released to rave reviews! You get two distinct methods of left-handed knitting on one DVD. Whether you're learning to knit for the first time or trying to learn "backward knitting" for a specific project, this DVD will have you knitting and understanding your knitting.
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