Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Blue Ginger socks

Thanks to Astrid and Trekking ProNatura along with size 1 KnitPicks circulars, these socks are now off the needles. I called them Blue Ginger because of the incredible blue, it's almost sapphire blue, and the pattern which is sometimes called gingerbread. Notice I didn't use any ribbing? Done toe up, the pattern was on the top of the foot and the entire ankle and had enough stretch to be it's own ribbing. I just did a stretchy bind-off, as I always do for socks and voila. New socks. Now to wash them and see if they bloom and I lose some of that incredible cable detail.
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  1. Beautiful colour , Diane. Pattern looks good too. I have just knitted my first tow up and am getting near casting off and expect i will use the Zimmerman sewing needle cast off.

  2. They look great! Are those Ginger's feet or yours?

  3. those are my feet, Ginger's are a bit too short and wide to flatter that fabulous sock pattern so I opted for mine.

  4. feet DO flatter that pattern missy! I have them on as I type this.


  5. sorry honey! hope they feel great. they were knit with oodles of love, just for YOU! :)
