Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Computers Anonymous

Now, before you break into a cold sweat, fret not. I don't think there is such a thing as "Computer's Anonymous" and if there were, well let's just not put that idea out there. My point is that I am without a computer. My hard drive ticked, clicked and died a week ago. Me, the internet addict, without a laptop. It's deeply disturbing. My sweet wife quickly located a replacement and I've been stalking the postman ever since. I have had to check email from the boys' and Ginger's computer. Ginger even set up a way for me to use Outlook on her computer after listening to me complain about using webmail (ICK!), but it's not the same as having my very own little laptop. So when we came home this afternoon and there was a shiny red white and blue priority mail box on the front porch I frantically ripped open the box only to find that the hard drive enclosed is not the hard drive I need. So here I am at work, doing the national working person's #1 sin...blogging on the company computer. What's a girl to do? Cross your fingers I'm up and running soon. I have projects to write and pictures to upload (though I did lose every one of our vacation pictures AUGH!) and when I am finally restored to my computer I'll then start the insanity of trying to salvage the pictures, but until then I am computerless. Say a prayer for me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diane,
    I remembered to come visit. Great Blog also enjoyed the photos.
