My "secret" blog of all things left-handed knitting and dementia in my life. From kids to cables and medical bills to maniacal rants about knitting lists, it's all here
Thursday, August 23, 2007
the latest socks
These are done on size 1 US, toe up, 2 at a time. Trekking XXL from Astrid and I am annoyed with the yarn! Notice that the socks don't match? I tried 3 times to find the repeat. I have about decided there is none. One entire sock appears to be heathered while the other has some heather and some more solids. this is from one skein, weighed, re-wound (3 times, did I mention that already?) and finally I gave up. The socks fabric is nice and manly, which was the goal. Guess who they're for...(GINGER!)
Volunteering kids
It might not look like volunteering, but when Sherri (House Manager of Ronald McDonald House Memphis) calls these boys answer! The video gaming equipment is not a forte of any staff or other volunteer so our boys go and trouble-shoot the equipment from time to time. The other day they went to fix the X-Box 360. Problem solved and all is well with the world.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Max gets braces
We've known it was coming. We've been warned. Today, cash in hand [gulp!] we arrived at Dr. S. Meade Moore's office for Max's first braces. He got the top brackets on and a very light arch wire. He chose royal blue for his bands (surprising considering he wears Carolina Blue almost exclusively). Here are the before, during and after photos. How does this kid manage to be so stinking handsome even in the challenging teen years? I do wish he'd let me get after that hair though :)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Happy Birthday Max!
We are finally ending the week long event that is Max's birthday. We had a GREAT time in Tulsa with my family, hung out at the water park (which is now shamefully shabby) and just enjoyed ourselves immensely at my brother and sister-in-laws. BIG HUGS Andy and Roxanne!!!
Locally he had a quiet gathering with his friends and I made the menu. Eggrolls and General Tsao's chicken with sticky rice. Sasha made a cake for him and it was fabulous! Thanks to Connie for continuing to host. The boys had a rollicking game of cards and some video pursuits as well. Today he's off on his annual lunch with his other grandfather, "Jigs." Happy birthday young man. We're crazy about you!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Oops, I did it again
William blew out the thumb of the kote I had only repaired (but the repair was in another spot and held). Today I discovered there was no repairing that thumb. some of it appears to be missing. So once again I called Gossett-san and asked to borrow the upholstery thread. I really should just buy my own. Thankfully I had enough leather left and already had another palm cut out (probably from when I foolishly thought I would repair both of them at the same time). The good news is that this time it only took me two hours start to finish. There must be a wicked learning curve on the repair of kotes. Now he's set for practice tomorrow and aside from a bloody finger (I was distracted by fighting children and punctured the heck out of my index finger), no frosty adult beverages or even sailor language was required this time.